About Michael
and, his wife Pamela, have shared a musical
ministry for the past forty plus years; in addition Michael teaches and
preaches the gospel. Michael surrendered to fulltime evangelism after a life
altering experience of having a major heart attack where his heart stopped on
three separate occasions before the heart surgeon could put in three stints.
The Lord made it clear to Michael that He had saved his life for service to the
Master. Michael and Pamela call their ministry, “Broken Hearted for the Hurting,”
and focus their lives on a ministry of service. Michael and Pamela have three
grown children, and seven living grandchildren and one granddaughter in the
arms of Jesus. Michael spent 20 years in the United States Army as a Military
Police Officer then retired and went on to teach high school for 25 years. He
now serves full time in the field of evangelism. Michael
received his undergraduate education
at Dallas Baptist University, when he graduated cum Lade, and his graduate
studies at Amberton University where he received a Master of Science degree in
Professional Training Development. Pamela is also an Army veteran having served
two years as a Chaplin’s Assistant, and is currently a student at Liberty University;
thus far she has achieved her associate’s degree in ministry. On this site Pamela maintains a
blog devoted to caring for hurting women.

What is the mission of the church of Jesus Christ?
This ministry
was formed with several purposes in mind. First, to glorify God and second, to provide an
opportunity for believers to participate in the Great Commission through the
proclamation of the gospel by word and deed. This is accomplished by
showing others how to effectively communicate the gospel to our friends, family,
and even strangers in a way that is biblical, loving and effective. Second, we want to minister to our families and
friends who reside in various nursing and retirement homes.
I want to clearly communicate that I have no
agenda of my own for self-promotion and have no ambition except to obey the Lord’s command,
and I know that if I were to perish tomorrow it would not hinder the mighty
advance of God, nor diminish the
increase of His harvest. My wife and I exist and seek to bear fruit
worthy of His name only by His gracious purpose and know that He will make His
Name great among the nations with or without us. Therefore, we trust God
for His all-sufficient grace that we might be of some useful service to the
Master in the endeavor of evangelism and ensuring He receives all glory in our
labors. We know that if His Spirit is not leading our efforts, then they
are all in vain. We know that He is not served by human hands as though
He needed anything (Acts 17:24, 25). Colossians 4:3–6 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open
a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders;
make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let
your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
