Spiritual Warfare Study
Spiritual Warfare Study
Chronological Yearly Bible Reading
From the Heart of Pamela Blog

Bible Study promotional



Lesson 1 Video

Lesson 2 Video

Lesson 3 Video

Lesson 4 Video

Lesson 5 Video

Lesson 6 Video

Ephesians chapter 1

Ephesians chapter 2

Ephesians chapter 3

Ephesians chapter 4

Ephesians chapter 5

Ephesians chapter 6

I want to thank everyone who showed up for session one of this amazing study authored by Dr. David Jerimiah. This study is designed to illuminate the truth that as believers we are engaged daily in a fierce Spiritual War and the Word of God gives us clues of how to win this daily battle.

This study goes from 1 August to September 26.

We will continue to meet in the fellowship hall of Blunt Baptist Church so we can enjoy snacks as we fellowship and grow together.

All are welcome...especially men because Satan can destroy families, if he can keep men from the Word of God.


Sessions can be viewed online on Fridays after the Thursday night sessions.

I have asked each study group member to read the entire book of Ephesians each week, and provided a flash drive with the spoken word on it. In addition, if you don't have your flash drive with you, you can listen online at this site.

When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he wrote to people who needed their spiritual eyes opened by the power of the Spirit. After the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, it was possible to gain new insight and understanding into the things of God. What was previously unknown and not understood was made clear through the Spirit’s enlightenment (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). So, Paul prayed that the spiritual eyes of the Ephesians would be opened to know God better, this also my hope.

Spiritual enlightenment is not like flipping a switch—a one-time event. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you more and more of God every day and what He has provided in Christ.

Enjoy the study!